Saturday, June 30, 2012

How time flies...

It is so hard to believe that Maddie is almost 2 weeks old! I now realize that once you have a child you realize how fast time goes! Derek went back to work this week. On his first day back I think he called us 6 times and video called 3 more times. It was definitly hard for him to leave us, ok leave Maddie not me lol!! Since Derek had work this week I tried really hard not to wake him at night when she was up. Of course, he still would wake up since Madelyn is still sleeping in our room. This week she still had to eat every 2-3 hours. Therefore, even if she was sleeping we had to wake her. Once we wake, feed and change her at night it is hard to get her to go back down. Many night this process takes an hour from start ot finish and before you know it it is time to get up again. Therefore, I have learned to go on exhaustion. I know everyone says sleep when she sleeps but that is much harder to be done. When she does sleep during the day it is so hard not to go put in another load of laundry, clean, check email, etc. Most days it is hard enough to get a shower in let alone a nap! No matter how tired I am it all is so worth it everytime I look at her and makes every 3am feeding worth it all! Many times Derek and I just stare at her and are so thankful for this amazing baby girl! Madelyn had another appointment with the peditrician this past friday. She weighed 9lbs 6oz...she gained 1lb and 2oz!!!!!! Needless to say she is eating just fine, lol!! The good news is since she is now over 9 lbs our peditrician said we no longer have to wake her at night, just let her wake us when she is hungry. This got us very excited however, the first night of this Maddie of course did not sleep more than 2 hours. She smiles all the time when she is sleeping. No clue what she is dreaming about. We posted a video that shows her doing this because it is one of our favorite things she is doing right now:) Today we also had a photographer come to take her newborn pictures. We are very excited to see them and hope we got some good ones. We will make sure to post the link once we get it!

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