Sunday, September 21, 2014


We are starting our 4th week of preschool and Madelyn loves it! She is going Tuesday and Thursday's  from 9-12 and though drop-off was a little dramatic the first two times, ever since then she is very excited to get there!  We also have her back in swim lessons and now is swimming without Derek or I in the class with her.

Gabe went for his 4 month check up and weighed 15.5 lbs and was 25 inches long. The Dr. was very impressed with how alert he was and mentioned if she didn't know better she would think he was more like 6 months. He is a rolling boy these days, we can't leave him unattended for long at all. We did start him on oatmeal this week, the first night of course he would spit it all back out but by tonight we couldn't get it to him fast enough. 

We were very excited to welcome another nephew, Cameron James, born yesterday to my brother and sister-in-law. We were so happy for them and can't wait to meet him soon! It will be so fun for Gabe and Cameron as they get older, being so close in age!

No other big changes here, so just a few pictures from the past couple of weeks :)
First day of Preschool

Apparently someone doesn't want to be 4 months!

Went toVA for a wedding 2 weekends ago and Gabe loved snuggling with Aunt Gracie and Aunt Whit

Walked in on them doing this, melts my heart!!

First homework assignment, decorate it to look like you!

Went out on the Bay with some friends, Madelyn LOVED it!

Shirt says it all

After church picture with these cuties! 

Madelyn was reading him the story, precious

Our new nephew, Cameron

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

End of Summer

Hard to believe September is already here and Summer has almost come and gone.  There hasn't been anything big and exciting going on here just trying to enjoy what's left of Summer. This week Madelyn started the next level of swim lessons which means she no longer is in the parent and me class and safe to say Madelyn is not a fan of this.  We will continue to work on these and hopefully schedule a one on one lesson with her instructor to help build the confidence as she is extremely shy.  Madelyn has been doing great on her ABC's and can now recognize all letters of the alphabet when capitalized, we starting to work on lower case.  Last week we went to meet her teachers and she will be starting preschool tomorrow.  She had a great time visiting her teachers and was very proud to show off her new book bag and shoes, both pink of course.

Gabe continues to grow like a weed.  He has started to roll over on his stomach, although he tends to do this when we're not watching.  It's amazing to watch him learn, this week he has started grabbing his toes and bringing them up to his face.  He has also started grabbing toys, bottles, hair and faces as they get close to him.  He's tracking things with his eyes now and continues to be a ham. Just today I realized it was the 3rd and reminded Derek we need to take his 3 month picture when Derek said "You mean 4 months," how can that be already!

Of course I will post pictures of Madelyn's first day after tomorrow:)

We have a thumb sucker, against mom trying to stop him he loves his thumb!

At the fair, not sure who was more excited for funnel cake or as Mads called it "funny 

Getting her Y tattoo 

Park time with two cuties

Dress-up in our new Princess dress from Uncle Bimi

Gabe helping me at work, lol!

Trying on our new school shirt

Favorite thing at Lowes, Grandpa would be proud she always picks the Deere ones :)

Mom and Dads bed, you mean the family bed!

Love this boy!

Just washing my car ( in a dress and with a cracker, lol)