Sunday, April 20, 2014


If you know me at all you know how much I love holidays. Though I have reached the point of this pregnancy that I have little energy and am miserable I still was so excited to do all the Easter festivities with Madelyn. It started off last weekend by taking her to Easton's Eggstravagansia,
an Easter event filled with food, rides, games and best of all Easter egg hunts for each age. We went with friends who have two girls that helped Madelyn with her first Easter egg hunt. She was a little overwhelmed until she realized the eggs had chocolate in them. She was NOT a fan of the Easter bunny who was there to take pictures, she was so scared even a crying picture wasn't an option. On Friday we had friends over for the kids to dye eggs or as Madelyn calls it "paint eggs" and though she didn't have patience to let the eggs sit very long in the dye she had a really good time. Today, after Mads woke up she headed outside and find the eggs the Easter bunny left along with her Easter basket and then we headed off to an Easter brunch.  Derek and I cooked our first Easter dinner tonight. Though we missed family this was the first holiday that we didn't travel so it was fun for us to enjoy time just as a family at home and start traditions with Madelyn.

This past Monday we went to the doctor for our weekly appointment as well as an ultra sound. Everything looked great and based on the ultra sound the baby weighed 7.9 lbs. That means that if he goes to 40 weeks he would be around 9 lbs (yikes). During the ultra sound he was very active and sucking away on his thumb which we loved :) He has definitely dropped and is head down ready to go so just the waiting game of when he is ready. We go again this Tuesday for our 38 week appointment.
Baby W's adorable footprint on Monday's ultra sound!

Checking out her eggs at the Easter egg hunt!

Madelyn, Campbell and Anderson ready to find eggs!

Dying eggs with Mama!

 Easter Morning!

Easter baskets (one from Easter Bunny, one from Nana and Papa)

Being silly with Daddy Easter Morning

Headed to brunch, way to cover the BIG belly Mads :)

Daddy and Mads:)

Family picture

Our Easter cutie!

There is always time to stop and smell the flowers!

All ready in our new double stroller thanks to Grandpa!

Filling our piggy bank (and giving our brother a head start in his), don't show your change when you come to our house and Madelyn will rob you!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

We survived the move!

I know it has been a long awaited post with an update of our move but to say the last 2 1/2 weeks have been crazy and exhausting is an understatement. I have the personality type to take on more than I can and never admit I can't do something and the weekend of the move in Charlotte I was fully aware this was going to be way to hard for Derek and I to handle alone with a toddler and being 34 weeks pregnant. We could never be more thankful for my Mom and Richard who I called that Sunday morning and told them how much we need help and by that afternoon they had tickets booked to come help!

Sunday the movers showed up and what a day it was. The weather couldn't have been more beautiful, pouring rain and cold, lol and about half way through the day it was clear all our stuff was not going to fit on the large moving truck. We ended up renting a u-haul that Derek would then drive and Bo, Madelyn and I would drive the car. The movers headed out around 3pm and after cleaning the house and getting our final things packed we headed out of Charlotte at 7pm. The drive was a little harder since Derek and I weren't in the same car to keep each other awake but we finally pulled into our new driveway at 3:15am and got to bed at 4:00am. Three hours later our alarm went off because the movers would be showing up anytime. Luckily everything went smooth that day and Derek's brother, Carter came to help us for 2 days get furniture put together and moved once the movers left.

On Wednesday, Mom and Richard showed up and for the next week we all literally worked from 7am until midnight at least. One night even mom had swollen ankles. I am not sure how I didn't go into labor other than this little boy was to scared to come out and be put to work, lol! We can say by the time they left our house was "a home" and almost all boxes were unpacked, pictures hung, rooms painted and cleaned! We honestly never would have been able to do it without their help and Madelyn was on cloud 9 having Nana and Papa here. For the next couple days after they left Madelyn would grab her toy suitcase and purse, head to the door and say "see you" and when we asked where she was going she would respond "Iowa, to Nana and Papas" We even got out to two nice meals to enjoy a little break from all our work:)

Since they have left Derek and I have been trying to finish things around the house, get everything ready for the baby and all the fun things that come with a move (DMV, finding new doctors, learning our way around, etc)

I have found a new OB here and we really like her thankfully. I am now on weekly appointments and have gone twice. As I feared the doctor thinks this is going to be a big baby boy, considering Madelyn was 8lbs 11oz as a girl I thought this might happen. Next Monday I am getting an ultra sound to see what he weighs but the doctor says she probably wouldn't let me go past my due date because at that point he is adding weight fast. Hard to believe in three weeks he will be here! Though this has been another easy pregnancy, you can ask Derek that I have become miserable. I think between the stress of the move and chasing a toddler I am ready to meet our little boy. I am having a lot of braxton hicks contractions so hopefully he will come on his own soon.

As for Miss Madelyn, she is adjusting really well. She not only has a new home but a new bed:) We switched her to a big girl bed and moved the crib into the babies room. It has gone really well and most nights she sleeps through the night just fine. We have a had a few nights that she wakes up and comes in our room. She LOVES her new room though and has come to terms that the crib is for the baby (we will see about that once he is actually here, lol). It is amazing how her speech has really taken off and she is trying to use sentences for everything. She can count to 14,  recognize the colors; blue, green, red, black and orange, and can identify a rectangle, square, oval, circle, triangle and heart. Of course she is still sassy as no other and has a personality of a 5 year old:)

Will update more often now that we are settled, here are a few pictures from the past 2 weeks! I will post house pics this week, need to take them still!!

First night in "Big Girl Bed"

Madelyn's new room:

Nana got her a cute new chair to read in since her rocker was moved to the babies room:)

Quick dinner out, pretty sure we hadn't even stopped to shower this day but we did get dinner :)

Kissing "baby brother"

Loving having Uncle Carter so close, we meet him in Annapolis this past weekend :)

Madelyn's favorite thing to do, color (especially Minnie)

           Who needs Starbucks... lol!! Apparently we have drank to much coffee in this house!