Sunday, July 25, 2010

The best week of my life!

Hard to believe the year of craziness is over. Between the move and the wedding we have been major slackers on this blog, but now we have no excuse! The wedding was the best week of my life!! I am still asking Derek if we can do it again! I couldn't have asked for anything more and am so thankful for all the wonderful friends and family we have who helped us celebrate!

We had such a great time on the honeymoon! It was so nice to have the time together especially with how Derek,s and I's work schedule often don't allow us to take vacation time together much! After we got back I spent the next two days getting the house back together and one day trying to get my last name changed! I have to say after a day of spending two hours at the DMV in line for them to them to tell me I have to go to the social security office first so then spending another hour and half at that office just to be able to go back to the DMV for another 2 hours I really started thinking Kreinbring isn't so bad!!
I have about 3 weeks till school which of course I am dreading and Derek is counting down so that he is done with camp! It seems weird not having the millions of wedding projects to consume my time! I guess I will enjoy my last few weeks and relax:)

Sunset on the cruise before dinner:)