Monday, December 31, 2012


Last Friday we headed to VA to spent Christmas with Derek's family. Even though Madelyn isn't old enough to know what is going on, it made the holidays even more exciting having her here to celebrate with. It was very nice to have time off and spend it with family. While in VA we also had Madelyn baptized. It was extra special because Madelyn was baptized with her cousin Tate.  She was wonderful during church, and just smiled away while being baptized! She looked absolutely precious in her gown!

We are so appreciative of everything everyone did for us. Madelyn was spoiled with so many presents from family and friends and we are so thankful for everything!!! 

Recent updates:
  •  Over the past few weeks Madelyn has now tried many foods (bananas, carrots, peas, squash and pears) She is doing really well eating and squash so far seems to be her favorite. 
  • She has become quit the diva. She now can push away when she doesn't want something. If she is done with her bottle she will shove it away, or if she wants to not be held anymore she will start pushing away like she is mad at you.
  •  She is all about Bo! Anytime he is in the room she is leaning over watching him and holds her hand out to always grab him. Of course we all know that Bo is not feeling the same back at her. He does worry about her when she is upset but other than that he wishes life would go back to the old days, ha! 
  • Madelyn also now can sit up on her own. She prefers to sit over laying on back or stomach to play.
  • She give lots of kisses or "love-ies" (she grabs your face and presses her mouth against your cheek)
  • Her favorite place no matter her mood is on Daddy's shoulders
  • She got her first bad cold and is very congested :(  She is struggling at night to sleep because of her breathing! The poor girl breaks your heart and hope it goes away quick!

This week we rearranged our downstairs to start transforming the front room (was the office) into a play room. We needed somewhere to go with all her new Christmas toys and realize we will need a room downstairs until she is bigger for her toys. 

Here are lots of pictures from Christmas :)

Christmas morning
My Santa Jammie's

The good picture Poppy took on Christmas
Family picture (Thanks Grandma & Grandpa for my pretty dress!)

One of my adorable new outfits, thanks Kara!!
All warm in my new hat from Aunt Lucy & Uncle Bimi 
I now always hold on when in my carseat, safety first lol!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Holiday Pictures :)

Here are some of our holiday pictures we got taken!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


The past week has been very busy between getting everything for Christmas but wanted to share Madelyn's first picture with SANTA!! She did so well and loved him (smart girl, she wants lots of presents)
Hard to believe Madelyn is 6 months today!! How has it gone so fast!!!
First time with Santa!

Madelyn was invited to her 1st birthday party for her friend Olive's 1st B-day!

Out Christmas shopping with Mom!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

I always love this time of year, but it is even better this year celebrating with Madelyn. This weekend we took some really fun pictures of her. Derek tried a bunch of new photo settings with his new camera. We even had a special visitor who stopped by to meet Madelyn for the first time :) 

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Madelyn tried her first food this weekend, Peas! Her reaction is so funny, but she was a trooper and kept eating them!! Had to share the video :)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

First Flight

Madelyn successfully made it through her first trip flying to Iowa. We couldn't have been any luckier on our flights. We left early in the morning, we got everything packed, through security, no delays and Madelyn was so GOOD on the planes. She either slept, played or ate during all the flights and was not that screaming baby you often hear on planes. Many people on our flights commented on what a good baby she was!!!  It was so wonderful to spend time with close friends and family for the week. Madelyn was very excited Uncle Ryan, Aunt Natalia and her cousin Beckett were even able to come! The 8 days went way to fast! Madelyn of course was spoiled rotten! Between all the gifts and clothes she got(next time I don't think we need to even pack for her, lol) and all the time she was held and snuggled with! As always as our plane back to NC took off Derek looked over and I of course was all teared eyed. Though I was very excited to get home it just was so nice to have everyone around with Madelyn for the week! We just don't all get to get together enough!

This week Madelyn has started sitting up. She can hold it for awhile but we still need to sit right with her for when she leans and falls. Tonight she tried her first food, peas..yum, ha! She loved them! We are not surprised this girl has loved eating since the day she was born! We also think she is teething badly and hope the tooth comes through soon!

Here are lots of pictures from our trip!

First Plane ride, loved looking out the window!

Loved Nana's new ride for B and I to play on!

Out for lunch :)

All my Aunties!

5 months while in Iowa!
B helping with bath time

Uncle Ry and the babies before the Iowa game!

With Nana and Papa

Pretty picture with Aunt Elly!
I love my cousin!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Thought everyone would enjoy this from our smart little lady.  She's a little shy in the beginning so be patient.  

Sunday, November 11, 2012


It is crazy to think it is the holiday time of year. With that said, anyone who knows me knows how much I absolutley love this time of year. As we are busy making this years holidays plans, getting the house ready and packing to leave for Iowa this Saturday I couldn't stop thinking about how much in my life I am thankful for.

First, I am SO thankful for my amazing husband. I don't know what I would do without him. Just this week he came home early one day from work and surprised me with the most delicous homeade dinner, wakes up every morning to help get everything in the car and Madelyn and I out the door, helped me deocrate the house early before we went out of town even though years ago he would have thought this was crazy to decorate this early, and everyday continues to be my best friend who knows when I just need a hug after an exhausting day. 

Next we are very thankful for our family. We are so lucky to have such supportive family. My family has amazed me in how they have gone above and beyond to buy everything they can to make life easier on us when we get to Iowa including a new stroller and crib at Nana's. Madelyn gets more mail than Derek and I together. Just this week she received a package from her Grandma and Grandpa with new pj's and the cutest new print for her room with all her birth announcement information from her Nanny and Poppy. Last weekend, Derek's parents drove down to Charlotte just for the afternoon just to spend time with Madelyn! I also am thankful for our amazing friends who we consider family! As you grow older you realize how important real friends who have been there and supported you along the way are! Many who treat Madelyn as though she is their own family.

 Last, I don't know how to even begin to say how thankful Derek and I are for this amazing blessing we received on June 18th. It is truly amazing how you don't know how you can love something so much until you have children. She has forever changed Derek and I to become better people in just 4 short months. It is because of her this year I wanted to make sure to stop and really think about all we have to be thankful for! Madelyn you are the most amazing little girl!!

Tasty leaves!
All smiles
This picture sums up their relationship, Madelyn loves Bo, Bo doesn't feel the same way back LOL!
Let's see... what to play with today?
Yummy oatmeal
Thanks for the warm hat Nanny
With Nanny and Poppy

First solid food experience
Hard to do two things at once, trying to watch this good baby einstein video and also keep checking to make sure Dad is still there!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Yesterday Madelyn had her 4 month check-up. All went well and her pediatrician was very happy with her growth. Madelyn weighed 16lb 9oz and her height is 26.25 inches. She is in the 85 percentile for weight and 95 percentile for height. She also checked all of her 4 month developmental growth and several off the 6 and 9 month chart which was very exciting! Dr. Lake kept saying how impressed she was with her developmental progress! This made me one happy mama! She will go back at 6 months. We ended the appointment with 2 shots and Madelyn was a tropper. She screamed but as soon as I picked her up and held her she calmed down and was happy!

Here are a few pictures from Halloween. She helped greet the door for our trick or treaters. I tried really hard to get a good picture but Madelyn thought her Halloween outfit was more fun to chew on that smile for pictures!

Off to the Dr, brr it got so cold outside!
Yum, this pumpkin looks good to chew on
Oh, you wanted to take a picture?
Ok I will try and sit pretty!
There is a smile, Thank you Nana for my cute outfit!