Wednesday, May 30, 2012

It's almost June :)

It is so hard to believe at the end of this week it will be June. Though we are so ready to meet our baby girl it is hard to believe how fast this month came since we found out we were pregnant last fall. This past weekend Derek and I spent a lot of time relaxing and enjoying what may be one of our last weekends to ourselves.
Today I went for my weekly check-up at the doctor. Tuesday I had some of the worst contractions I have had and really thought this might be it. However, today I woke up and they seemed back to normal like they have been. Therefore, I was anxious to go to the Dr. and see if there was any change. Sadly, I was told no change still 2cm dilated. Of course the Dr. reminded me most women in the their first pregnancy go 40 weeks and a large percentage don't dilate at all until labor. Therefore, even though I have sat at 2cm it is really good my body has started preparing for labor and hopefully will make things easier. I did ask the Dr. what would happen after June 11th (hopefully we don't have to find out) and I was told that at exactly 41 weeks they can induce me. Therefore, if nothing has happened on June 18th I will be induced. The Dr. doesn't seem to think I will go that long but then again we thought she was coming early and haven't changed so only time will tell. Looks like she will decide when she is ready to come. I have my next appointment next Wednesday afternoon. On the way out the Dr. said maybe we won't see you next week. I am hoping this is a good luck sign, haha! Here are a few pictures Derek took this past weekend. The one with the bow is fun to look at compared to the day we found out we were having a girl. Safe to say I have grown a bit :)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Waiting Game

This past week we went to our weekly doctors appointment. I had been having a lot more contractions and we were very excited to find out I was 2cm dilated and 80% effaced. The Dr. said I am now considered full term and that everyone is different but it looks like I am getting ready and we need to be ready at anytime for her to arrive. He said since my previous appointment I went from 10% effaced to 80% which was a fast move. Of course this made Derek and I very excited and now are very ready for her to be here. However, we also could sit at 2cm for the next 3 weeks, hopefully not! So let the waiting game begin....

We did a lot of work around the house and yard knowing that once it is time things will be a little more hectic! Below is a a picture of Derek's favorite weekend project. He put a firepit into the backyard. It looks really nice and will be nice to have to relax by! We will let you all know if there are any big changes or the update from this weeks doctors appointment!
Last baby thing was to get the carseat installed:)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

4 weeks to go...

Sorry it as been a few weeks for us to post. It seems the past few weeks have been very busy. Derek and I still can't believe we are down to the last month and soon we will be getting to meet our baby girl!! It is safe to say we are both very ready to meet her but also very anxious and nervous for the labor. During past two weekends we finished the nursery and washed some of her clothes, towels, blankets, bedding, etc. I didn't know a load of baby clothes could get you so excited. They are so small and made us realize how excited we are for her to be here.
Last weekend mom got to come for the weekend which was so nice. I guess you could say I have entered the "nesting" phase but I am pretty sure my personality is always nesting! Therefore, this trip wasn't the normal vacation trip for mom filled with shopping, going out to eat and relaxing. Instead we re-organized all of the kitchen, cleaned around the house and did lots of organizing in the baby's room. Needless to say if you put mom and I together you get one clean house:) I was very thankful to have her here to help! It was also nice because last weekend we were so lucky to have two amazing baby showers that she was able to come to as well.
On Saturday we had a beautiful shower with all our Charlotte friends. Ashley, Dana and Marne hosted an amazing shower and was absolutely perfect!! Derek's family was also able to come down which was nice to have them there as well. We got a lot of really nice things and are so thankful for all our friends and family who came. Here is a picture with my beautiful hostesses.
On Sunday, my amazing old co-workers from school hosted a shower for us. It was so nice to get to see them all and catch up. I really do miss working and seeing all of them! They all were so kind and generous. Baby W sure is a loved little girl and so lucky to have so much support around. Of course her closet really shows how loved she is. I think Derek has finally come to terms that this little girl is going to be a princess and he better start saving his pennies.
This week we had our last class of the child and labor classes at the hospital. This week we have our interviews with a few pediatrician's that we have been recommended. This is the last big thing we needed to decide. Our next Dr's appt is Wednesday and we now have been switched to weekly visits until she comes. I have been having lots of the braxton hicks contractions. Though they are not fun it is a good sign my body is getting ready. I always heard the end is when the baby really grows but I really can't imagine getting much larger.  Though knock on wood, I have not had any swelling yet! Here are a few pictures of the room. We got the book slings hung on the wall for her books. We also have her name decal to go above her crib but can't hang that tell she gets here to keep it a secret of course:)
Thanks to Natalia, we were sent fun gifts to prepare for the baby's arrival. This is Derek testing out his new gear, lol :)