Friday, July 27, 2012

1st Road Trip!

Last Saturday through Wednesday we took our first vacation with Madelyn to Holden Beach with Derek's family. Derek and I were both very excited for some relaxing time with family. Though this year was a little different as we had to take shifts on the beach since Madelyn isn't old enough for the sun and heat and traded in the late nights of games and drinking for all nighters of feeding, rocking and changing diapers (all with love of course) However, we were very lucky to have lots of helpful hands with all of Derek's family there and very happy to see Maddie. It is always a fun trip as Derek's whole family always make the trip and especially this year when we realized what a great tradition this will be for Maddie in the future with all her cousins. We did realize quickly that we will eventually need to rent  one very large house to accommodate this large group that keeps growing :) It takes us about 4 hours to get to Holden Beach and both ways Maddie did awesome. We only had to stop one time each way to feed and get her out of her car seat. For the past 6 years Derek and I have stopped at this peach stand on the way home from the beach trip that sells the best peach ice cream and peaches. Of course Maddie slept through it all this year but she soon will love this tradition once she realizes she will get this delicious ice cream each year on the way home! I think the hardest part of the trip was getting everything packed. As we pulled out of the driveway Derek and I couldn't believe how much we had to pack for one child!! 

On Thursday Maddie had her one month check up. It should have been last week but our pediatrician was on vacation. Maddie now weighs 11 lbs which puts her in the 96th percentile. She also did some tests on her alertness and said she is at the 2 month stage, of course I felt like one proud mama haha. The worst part of the check up was Maddie had to get her first shot. Our Dr. told me it will hurt you more than Madelyn and boy was she right. Once they did it and Maddie started screaming I almost died. Next month she has to get TWO shots, might need Derek to take her to that one! Our Dr. said everything was perfect and she always finds that 12 lbs is the magic weight to when babies start sleeping 6+ hours at night.  Hopefully that is the case for Maddie as that is right around the corner. Right now she wakes up about every 3 hours at night. Which actually seems wonderful compared to the very 1 1/2 we were use to the first few weeks.

Maddie playing with her cousin Tate :)

Family picture on the beach
What a cutie in her suit!
Such a trooper on the car ride
Nanny and Poppy loving their time with the grandchildren

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

One Month!!

It is hard to believe a month as already passed by! This week I have had to pack away some of Madelyn's newborn clothes:( We are very happy how well she is growing just hard to believe she is no longer a newborn.

Last weekend we were very happy to have my Dad and Dorice here to visit. Derek is in the craziest time for the Y and having to work A LOT including weekends. Therefore, it was very nice to have the extra help here to even just hold Madelyn so I could get lots done. We also all were able to enjoy a nice dinner out which felt really good to get out of the house. 

This week however, we have had one sick house. It started with Maddie coughing and having a stuffy nose. I took her to the doctor and luckily her chest and ears were clear and just has a cold. Though even  she has still been eating very well  because of her cold many times she ends up spitting it all up because she can't breathe well when eating:( She also isn't sleeping as well because she is having trouble breathing. She has been waking up about every hour and a half. Therefore, with the lack of sleep and amount of time I spend with her it was no surprise I came down with a bad cold as well. I think what has made it the hardest is the lack of sleep while sick. Derek and I have been taking the maximum amount of vitamins and vitamin c drinks to hopefully get this bug out of the house! Maddie will go back to the doctor next week for her one month check up.

We are very excited to be leaving this weekend to go to the beach with the White side of the family. It will be very nice to have some time away and a little relaxing with family. 

Sleeping off my poor cold :(

Really Mom enough with the pictures

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Loving life with Madelyn!

Two weekends ago we got newborn photos taken of Madelyn. Here is the link to view them. Enter "white" for the code. The photographer said she has a few more to add and hopes to have them all up by tomorrow at the latest! We are getting a CD with all the rights to the photos which makes ordering pictures so much easier. We can just email anyone pictures if they want them :)

For the first 3 weeks we had Maddie sleeping in our room in the bassinet of the pack-n-play. Last night was the first night we put her in her crib to sleep. I seriously don't know how I will ever drop her off to kindergarten because I almost had a melt down of just taking her down the hall to her room. I even told Derek maybe I should sleep in her room with her. Luckily, Derek was able to talk me out of it and she had one of her best nights sleep in her room:) Of course I checked our video monitor all throughout the night, don't know how people did it without those!! Hopefully night 2 goes just as well. She is still waking up every 2-3 hours to eat but she is eating and getting back to sleep quicker.

We have been so lucky with all the support we have received from our amazing family and friends. I don't think we had to cook a meal for the first 2 weeks and Maddie receives packages almost daily of wonderful and thoughtful gifts from people!! On top of that we have had so many visitors and so many coming in the next month! We are truly appreciative of all the love from everyone and don't know what we would do without it!!!
Maddie's first 4th of July spent with the whole White side of the family
Trying out my swing!
Starting to find people's faces and love playing with Daddy
Tough day!