Sunday, November 11, 2012


It is crazy to think it is the holiday time of year. With that said, anyone who knows me knows how much I absolutley love this time of year. As we are busy making this years holidays plans, getting the house ready and packing to leave for Iowa this Saturday I couldn't stop thinking about how much in my life I am thankful for.

First, I am SO thankful for my amazing husband. I don't know what I would do without him. Just this week he came home early one day from work and surprised me with the most delicous homeade dinner, wakes up every morning to help get everything in the car and Madelyn and I out the door, helped me deocrate the house early before we went out of town even though years ago he would have thought this was crazy to decorate this early, and everyday continues to be my best friend who knows when I just need a hug after an exhausting day. 

Next we are very thankful for our family. We are so lucky to have such supportive family. My family has amazed me in how they have gone above and beyond to buy everything they can to make life easier on us when we get to Iowa including a new stroller and crib at Nana's. Madelyn gets more mail than Derek and I together. Just this week she received a package from her Grandma and Grandpa with new pj's and the cutest new print for her room with all her birth announcement information from her Nanny and Poppy. Last weekend, Derek's parents drove down to Charlotte just for the afternoon just to spend time with Madelyn! I also am thankful for our amazing friends who we consider family! As you grow older you realize how important real friends who have been there and supported you along the way are! Many who treat Madelyn as though she is their own family.

 Last, I don't know how to even begin to say how thankful Derek and I are for this amazing blessing we received on June 18th. It is truly amazing how you don't know how you can love something so much until you have children. She has forever changed Derek and I to become better people in just 4 short months. It is because of her this year I wanted to make sure to stop and really think about all we have to be thankful for! Madelyn you are the most amazing little girl!!

Tasty leaves!
All smiles
This picture sums up their relationship, Madelyn loves Bo, Bo doesn't feel the same way back LOL!
Let's see... what to play with today?
Yummy oatmeal
Thanks for the warm hat Nanny
With Nanny and Poppy

First solid food experience
Hard to do two things at once, trying to watch this good baby einstein video and also keep checking to make sure Dad is still there!

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