Thursday, November 29, 2012

First Flight

Madelyn successfully made it through her first trip flying to Iowa. We couldn't have been any luckier on our flights. We left early in the morning, we got everything packed, through security, no delays and Madelyn was so GOOD on the planes. She either slept, played or ate during all the flights and was not that screaming baby you often hear on planes. Many people on our flights commented on what a good baby she was!!!  It was so wonderful to spend time with close friends and family for the week. Madelyn was very excited Uncle Ryan, Aunt Natalia and her cousin Beckett were even able to come! The 8 days went way to fast! Madelyn of course was spoiled rotten! Between all the gifts and clothes she got(next time I don't think we need to even pack for her, lol) and all the time she was held and snuggled with! As always as our plane back to NC took off Derek looked over and I of course was all teared eyed. Though I was very excited to get home it just was so nice to have everyone around with Madelyn for the week! We just don't all get to get together enough!

This week Madelyn has started sitting up. She can hold it for awhile but we still need to sit right with her for when she leans and falls. Tonight she tried her first food, peas..yum, ha! She loved them! We are not surprised this girl has loved eating since the day she was born! We also think she is teething badly and hope the tooth comes through soon!

Here are lots of pictures from our trip!

First Plane ride, loved looking out the window!

Loved Nana's new ride for B and I to play on!

Out for lunch :)

All my Aunties!

5 months while in Iowa!
B helping with bath time

Uncle Ry and the babies before the Iowa game!

With Nana and Papa

Pretty picture with Aunt Elly!
I love my cousin!


Anonymous said...

Can I request that every update have this many pictures?? I loved having everyone around... where did the time go?????


Anonymous said...

aww I can't believe the week is over!!! I guess we have another countdown now in April!!! Loooovvveeeddd having my little girl here to snuggle with! It was a great week! Miss you guys and love you!!!

Cindy said...

I am so sad the week has come & gone. I love all the pictures to remind me of our week. Please come back soon..Nana misses all of you!