Wednesday, May 30, 2012

It's almost June :)

It is so hard to believe at the end of this week it will be June. Though we are so ready to meet our baby girl it is hard to believe how fast this month came since we found out we were pregnant last fall. This past weekend Derek and I spent a lot of time relaxing and enjoying what may be one of our last weekends to ourselves.
Today I went for my weekly check-up at the doctor. Tuesday I had some of the worst contractions I have had and really thought this might be it. However, today I woke up and they seemed back to normal like they have been. Therefore, I was anxious to go to the Dr. and see if there was any change. Sadly, I was told no change still 2cm dilated. Of course the Dr. reminded me most women in the their first pregnancy go 40 weeks and a large percentage don't dilate at all until labor. Therefore, even though I have sat at 2cm it is really good my body has started preparing for labor and hopefully will make things easier. I did ask the Dr. what would happen after June 11th (hopefully we don't have to find out) and I was told that at exactly 41 weeks they can induce me. Therefore, if nothing has happened on June 18th I will be induced. The Dr. doesn't seem to think I will go that long but then again we thought she was coming early and haven't changed so only time will tell. Looks like she will decide when she is ready to come. I have my next appointment next Wednesday afternoon. On the way out the Dr. said maybe we won't see you next week. I am hoping this is a good luck sign, haha! Here are a few pictures Derek took this past weekend. The one with the bow is fun to look at compared to the day we found out we were having a girl. Safe to say I have grown a bit :)


Anonymous said...

I'm calling it right now, baby Katerina is going to be so stubborn that she will have to be enduced... and Aunt Katty wont get to meet her until Turkey day! I HOPE I'M WRONG!!!


Anonymous said...

OMG Rach you look so cute!!! So round! =) She will be here soon soooo excited!!!! =)

Anonymous said...

Oh and Katter it's *INDUCED not enduced hahahaha so glad you have me to help you out!

Anonymous said...

Potato Patoto... Look at you correcting my spelling! I guess there is a first for everything :)