Monday, February 11, 2013

There haven't been any big updates over the past weeks other than everyday Madelyn ceases to amaze us with all she learns. This week she learned how to feed herself. We now can put food on her highchair and she can eat by herself. She has become a rolling machine. She doesn't stay put. If you walk away for a second when you come back she will be on the other side of them room. Apparently Madelyn started rolling around and scooting so she could steal the toys from other little boy she goes to the sitter with. She even steals his pacie. I guess sharing will be a lesson in our future, lol!

She is now eating two meals a day of baby food/ finger food. She loves the finger food like toast, noodles, fruit, cheese and isn't that into the baby food. We joke she is 7 months going on 3 years old. She is back to being such a good sleeper. While sick she was really off but most nights she will sleep 12 hours. This weekend both days she woke up after me, I had to go in and make sure she was ok! Another favorite right now is the bath. Madelyn LOVES the bath. We can't wait for summer to take her swimming. She loves kicking and splashing in the bath!

Here are some recent pictures/videos :)
Bath Time :)

Playing with pots & pans, aka the drums, with daddy

Sitting in the highchair like a big girl when out to dinner

Little book worm!

Madelyn is now obsessed with her pacies! Here she couldn't decide which pacie to play with, ha!


Anonymous said...

Awww I can't believe how big she is getting!!! Sitting up and rolling all by herself! Can't wait to see her! Love the passy video! but we need some more!!! haha Love you guys!


Anonymous said...

Aww that little chunky monkey!! I can't wait to pinch her cheeks!!! Only 2 more months! -Krystie

Cindy said...

I love the pacie video!! Like daughter!!! Why have one..when you can have many!! I sure miss my Madelyn...XXOO

Anonymous said...

She is too cute in that pacie video! I think she looks just like you Rach in that video
