Thursday, February 28, 2013

Last weekend I went to visit a good friend who just had a baby boy. I remember when Madelyn was born people would say I don't remember ours being this small. At the time it meant nothing to me until this weekend. I was beyond shocked that Madelyn was that small 8 months ago! Though it is scary how fast time flies when you have children we are absolutely loving the stage she is at now.  So with that said, here are a few updates from the past few weeks.

Madelyn has recently started moving all over the place.  Her primary form of transportation is rolling, not just a roll here and a roll there, but barrel rolls across the floor to get to her destination.  Along with this she has started to get on her knee's to reach for something but just can't seem to figure out how to crawl, it's only a matter of time though.  She also recently sat up from the laying position for the first time which was fun to watch.  She has realized that if she rolls to her side, props her weight on one arm and then pushes up on that arm then she can get into the sitting position.  

Mad's has also started to feed Bo while she is supposed to be eating herself.  This of course is extremely funny to us even though we try not to laugh and encourage it.   We tell her no which she seems to understand but it's hard to keep on top of it when she's so dang cute and of course Bo is loving life. Suddenly he now loves hers

Always a pacie in my mouth these days! Of course my Hawkeye one is best :)

Love sitting in the cart these days! I wave at everyone as they walk by!

Valentine's Day :)
She recently experienced her first snow which was uncharacteristic for Charlotte.  Derek's mom and dad came into town that morning and just beat the "storm" and Derek ended up being able to leave work early than expected.  This allowed us to spend a lot of family time together and also give Madelyn her first experience playing in the snow.  She thought it was fun and actually enjoyed it.

Think we have a future opera signer!!

Favorite teething toy, a clementine


Anonymous said...

AHHHHH! Video overload!! I loved it!!! Now, can I please comment on the video with D and Mads... Is he tucking in his t-shirt into sweatpants???? Already embracing the Dad "look"?


Anonymous said...

Loved all the videos!!!! She is just so stinking cute!!! 1 more week till I get to squeeze her!!! Yay! Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

She's so adorable! I think she is starting to look so much like you Rachel.
