Sunday, August 5, 2012

One Popular Girl!

Miss Madelyn has become one popular little girl. I think the longest she has gone since being born is a week without going to visit or having a visitor to see her. This past week Aunt Sue, Elly and Kerra came to spend the week with us. It was so much fun and hard to see them leave. It was also very nice to have all the helpful hands. This week I started running again. With Aunt Sue here Elly and I were able to go to the gym almost everyday. I hadn't realized how much I missed running and it really made me feel like I had myself back to get a good workout each day. On top of that we of course did a lot of shopping, getting out around Charlotte and lots of snuggle time with Maddie. It has always been hard having my family far away but even harder now with Maddie. 

It seems in the past week Madelyn has changed so much. We all have noticed how she has grown and is getting so big. She also now really notices voices and laughs a lot when you talk to her. She seems to really laugh when her daddy talks to her. She also is a babbling machine. She talks to us all the time. The last new thing is how strong her neck has become. When we hold her she now can hold her head up and look around. We started the tummy time and she seems to only like it for a minute and then starts to get fussy so we will pick her up. Hopefully as she gets stronger she will like it more.

 With all the company we have had and how much we have had her out and about we are truly lucky to have such an amazing baby. She really only cries when she is hungry and is such a happy baby most of the time. There is nothing better than walking into her room at 3am so tired and then seeing her smiling back up at you in her crib. I am really struggling that it is August and will have to go back to work next month. Though I am extremely grateful to have 12 weeks with her I really don't know how I will ever leave her all day :( 

Snuggle time with Elly

I guess I will sleep so daddy can play these boring games!
All set for a morning walk


Anonymous said...

Aww! She is getting so big! I love her chunky arms! I just want to pick her up and squeeze her and kiss her! What's the deal with D? That's not how you get voted Dad of the year?! Hahah! Kidding, it's a funny photo! Love you guys! Miss you!! -Krystie

Anonymous said...

I am so famous!! hahahaha I miss my snuggle time!! =( Thanksgiving needs to come a little bit faster! She is going to be crawling before we know it haha. So glad we got to come out and visit for a week! I miss my workout partner too! Love you guys!