Sunday, March 1, 2015

Here we go again...

Here we go again, time for number 3...... third move that is:) Hard to believe we have almost been in Easton for a year and no better way to celebrate than moving again! You would think we would have this moving thing down after 3 moves in 15 months but as we are packing I couldn't say we are more over moving than ever. Luckily, this is a local move and this one is because we are under contract on a new house!! When we moved last year we rented a house so we could get to know the area better before buying again. We are so excited about the new house and have no plans to move for a long time after we get settled! Our settlement date is March 16th, just a couple weeks away!

Besides packing to move we have been one sick house. We had been so lucky with our health until March with the kids not being sick but this month we have had it all. It started off with us all getting that bad stomach bug. In one 24 hour period all 4 of us were throwing up, it was a very rough weekend. Once we got through the stomach bug Madelyn immediately caught a virus with a high fever that lasted about a week. We had a couple healthy days before Gabe was diagnosed with croup and I am sure you can guess what Madelyn then immediately got...croup. It has been pretty exhausting but we are hopeful done for awhile and beyond ready for Spring. Even Madelyn said this weekend "We need this snow to melt so we can go to the park!" I couldn't agree more Mads!

Even with a sick and crazy month the kids have had a lot of new updates. Madelyn can now recognize all lower and upper case letters. She can almost write her name, she has the M, a,d,l, and n down. She struggles with the e and y. Mads has also become quite the little helper with chores. She likes to make her bed and is now in charge of setting the table. Of course they may not look the best, but we still love her wanting to help.

Gabriel is one mobile little boy. He crawls or more like scootches everywhere, prefers to stand so pulls up on anything he can find and as of this weekend has climbed up to 4 stairs. He is constantly putting himself in the plank position to stand up but can't do it on his own yet. He loves to eat solid foods. He still doesn't have ANY TEETH, so I definitely feel like I am always a nervous wreck because he is just gumming it. He can say mama, dada, bye-bye, and nana. He says mama the most and uses it to call me often, which melts my heart. Just this weekend I started planning his first birthday, how can that be only 2 months away!! 

Here are some pictures from the past month :)

Night time snuggles 
Daddy's packing helpers!
Nothing better than Uncle Carter snuggles when you are sick!

 Valentine's Day 2015

Someone was more into their buddy than smiling!

Snow Day

Snow Day crafts 
Lunch Date with friends at Ellie's House

I may have Croup but I'm still cute as ever!
Someone got to go swim with Daddy while Madelyn had swim lessons

after swim lessons

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