Friday, July 11, 2014


Over the past three weeks we have had a lot of fun things going on. First, Madelyn had her 2nd birthday. We didn't do anything big or have a big party with being in a new town but safe to say she had a great day and was spoiled rotten. We started the day with a trip to Dunkin Donuts, Madelyn of course picked the pink frosted and sprinkled donut or as she kept calling it "cake" ha! She opened tons of presents from all her family and friends and loved blowing out her two candles and eating her cake!

The day after Madelyn's birthday Aunt Sue, Kerra and Elly flew in for almost a week. Although with having a two year old and 2 month old we weren't able to get out as much as we use to, we still managed to have a great week and Madelyn was in heaven having her Aunts here:) Thankfully Madelyn, Gabe and I all flew back to Iowa with them and even with all the extra hands it was one exhausting trip home. We were able to spend 12 days in Iowa and Derek came for the end. I swear it doesn't matter if we go home for 1 week or 5 we are never ready to leave. The week was filled with swimming at Aunt Sues pool, seeing friends and family, and of course eating lots of Happy Joes and Hungry Hobo!

While in Iowa Gabe had his 2 month milestone. Crazy what a difference 1 to 2 months makes and how much they change each month. Right now he smiles at us like crazy and loves to try and mimic when you coo at him. We don't remember Madelyn smiling this often and even when he went for his 2 month check-up the nurse struggled to give him his shots because right before he was smiling away at her. At his appointment this week he was already 13.4lbs and was 23 1/2 inches long, a growing boy! He has started to roll from his back to his side, I don't know what we will do once this boy is mobile, lol!

As for Madelyn she never ceases to amaze us with what she has learned. Her recent accomplishments are learning to spell her name, singing the entire alphabet song, and now using the potty!!! Just over a month ago we tried to potty train her and just about went insane with it so we quit. Randomly a few days ago she told Derek she wanted to potty and hasn't stopped since. She has had a few accidents but for the most part uses the potty all day. I guess it just needed to be on her terms and like they say don't force it until they are ready!

Here are a lot of pictures because as always I am behind:)

Birthday Breakfast

Out for Aunt Sue's birthday lunch

Gabe and Aunt Elly

Storytime and craft at the Library

Gabe's 1st plane ride Madelyns 7th! 

Ashley and I have been friends for 30 years and now our babies are 2 days apart!

My whole world!

Nana and Mads date day, shopping and "Donalds"

Swimming in Grandpas "pool" aka a cold hot tub, lol!

Fourth of July 2014

With Nana and Papa on the 4th!

Selfie with Aunt Katty

Ready for these loud fireworks!
Sparklers with Daddy!

Can you get anymore handsome!

Aunt Sues 4th of July pool party!

Smiling at the birds!

On our way home!

I guess I will hold my own Pacie in!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ohhh dang! an update for the books!! They are growing up too fast!!
-Mad's & Gabe's favorite Aunt Katty