Tuesday, June 17, 2014

One Month

As of Saturday Mr. Gabe was 6 weeks old! It is crazy how much he has changed in the past few weeks. Even family who FaceTime have noticed the change, he has filled out and isn't so "newborn" looking anymore. We love the chubby cheeks! He continues to be such a good baby who is so laid back. The only time he doesn't mess around is when the boy wants some milk, you don't get to 11 lbs at your 5 week appt without being a milk drinker, lol! The poor baby also has had thrush and had to go on a compound paste for a bad diaper and yeast rash. Anyone who knows everything we have been through with Madelyn with her sensitive skin knows how much we are praying he isn't going to follow the same path! One of the best things though is he has been an EXCELLENT sleeper! Most nights he goes to sleep around 9:00pm and sleeps at least until 2:00am and even as much as 5:00am a few nights! He as become very alert and really likes when we lay with him so he can stare at you. We couldn't be more in love with his little boy!

Everyone keeps asking how Madelyn is doing. Knock on wood she continues to surprise us. She has been wonderful and a big helper. Of course her "help" isn't usually help but she sure tries. She loves to hold him, feed him, put his pacie in (even if he doesn't want it she will keep trying, ha) and when in his swing and he cries she always runs to tun on his music and put a blanket on him! Nothing warms your heart more than seeing the two of them interacting together:)

Madelyn, Gabe and I have been staying busy during the week. We are so lucky to have a neighborhood family our age who have a 3 year old and 15 month old. It has been great to have the play buddies to hang out with often. Through them we have meet a few other families for play dates for Mads. We also have been going to story time at the Library each week. Last week we signed Madelyn up for Preschool in the fall, where she will go two mornings a week. When we went to register, she went right in to the classroom pulled out a chair and sat down. I guess she is ready lol! She keeps saying "go back to school!"

This week we are so excited that Aunt Sue, Elly and Kerra are coming! Then next Wednesday, Madelyn, Gabriel and I will fly back to Iowa with them to spend almost 2 weeks there!! We can't wait! Of course an even bigger date is tomorrow.... Miss Madelyn will be TWO! How can that be, where has time gone? Hard to believe two years ago I was past my due date and miserable wondering when our baby girl was going to come! Two years later I feel so blessed to have this amazing family!

Of Course Madelyn wanted in on the fun:) 
Gabe was not very cooperative for his one month pictures!

Mads wanting to push by herself!

Registering for Preschool

Someone loves relaxing during bath time

Out for a family run

Off to the library

Such a cutie

Father's Day! 

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