Wednesday, February 19, 2014

So long Charlotte.....

It is hard to believe but after almost 8 years of living in Charlotte we will be moving in just over a month to Easton, MD. It is a very bitter sweet move for us. Derek received an amazing opportunity in the Chesapeake Y Association that we couldn't pass on. We are so proud of him and this huge promotion although there are a lot of friends and coworkers that are going to be very hard to leave. We are excited for our new adventure on the Eastern shore and of course pretty excited about the delicious seafood to come!

Last week Charlotte had the biggest winter storm since both Derek and I have lived here. It couldn't have come at a better time as we had just gotten back from visiting MD and needed time to really talk and make decisions. The snow started Wednesday morning and went strong until Thursday late afternoon. We got around 11 inches of snow by the end and of course, Charlotte is not use to this weather so everything was shut down meaning we didn't leave the house Wednesday-Friday! Madelyn LOVED playing in the snow or most of all eating it!  Of course only in North Carolina do we have a big winter storm last week and this week it is 60's and 70's.

It is so hard to believe we are already in the 3rd trimester of this pregnancy! With two moves in 3 months we are very excited to get settled and to start getting everything ready for our little boy! Madelyn says "hi brother" to my belly often, however, she definitely has no idea what is coming! Luckily this pregnancy, like Madelyn's, has gone very easy so far! The only big difference is the amount he moves and kicks, several times a day he kicks so hard I swear he is about to kick right through my stomach! Hopefully all this movement isn't a sign he never sleeps. Derek and I have a few names and one we are leaning towards but YES, we again are not sharing until he comes:)

Right now Madelyn's favorites are counting (counts 1-8 with no problem) cooking in her play kitchen, reading (in her russian talk she will read you a book) and dancing! She is obsessed with dancing and even holds her arms in the air like a ballerina. There is no doubt she is 100% girl and diva!

I have to end this blog with a cute story. Last Sunday when Derek and I went to pick her up from the nursery at church she was standing there ready to go in this adorable pink pea coat on. I looked at one of the teachers and said I love the coat but it's actually not ours. She laughed and said that Madelyn ran over to the cubbies grabbed it out, brought it to her and said "mine" and when the teacher asked do you want me to put it on Madelyn said "yes"  thinking it was hers! We laughed so hard, only our little diva would be checking out all the other girls things and trying to steal a cute coat at church non the less, oh Mads!

playing with my new "choo-choo"from Nanny and Poppy

snuggle time with Daddy over the snow days!
Valentine's Day breakfast! 
cutest little Valentine!

Valentine's Day 2014

headed out to play in the SNOW!

so excited to see snow!
learning to build a snowman with daddy

our street during the snowstorm
nothing better than baking on snow days! (ignore the crazy hair, this was after nap, ha!)

Miss Hollywood with her new Valentine's Day goodies

Such a good daddy, Madelyn begged for polish!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I point out that D is only wearing sweatpants in one of the pics... way to go D! PROGRESS!