Thursday, November 7, 2013

Dermatologist Appointment

Today we took Madelyn to the pediatric dermatoligst. We were happy to finally take her as we have fought her diaper rash badly since about 7 months. The visit went great in the sense they took a culture and the doctor was able to diagnosis her immediately after looking at her. She let us know Madelyn has irritant contact dermititis, basically extremely sentsitive skin. Where in most babies/children when irritants in soaps, detergents, lotions, etc. contact their skin they produce oils to bring the balance back to a normal level, Madelyn's is so sensitive she can't. Therefore everything we have tried over the past 9 months has actually made it worse because it was just more chemicals on her skin. We were happy to have an answer however, the solution isn't going to be the fun part. We can no longer use any soaps, lotions, even baby wipes on her!! In the bath we have to use baking soda, wet paper towels and vaseline instead of wipes, etc. For right now during each changing we also have to apply this thick prescription zinc oxide compound paste to her. The doctor explained it that this will be a pretend layer of skin to protect her and to let hers heal, while we use no products/chemical irritants on her. Eventually we will be able to just use the cream at night. The bad part is this cream is not covered by insurance and costs $60 a container, yikes!! Of course all of this will be better once she is out of diapers so lets say we are very motivated to start training her, haha!

Cutest little patient!

Woah guys 26 lbs, I may need to lay off the milk some!
A quick lunch after my doctors appointment!
Loving the leaves!

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