Sunday, October 27, 2013

Big Sister!!

Well as most of you know, Madelyn will be a big sister as of next May!! I am currently 13 weeks pregnant and our due date is May 4th. We had a doctors appointment this week and everything went great and the babies heartbeat was 159.

Madelyn had a fun filled weekend. It started Friday with the Davidson Halloween March where the kids march downtown in their costumes and businesses sit outside and hand out candy. Madelyn loved it and did a great job of walking with her bag. However, after walking about a block she sat down in the middle and started pulling all her treats out of her bag. She apparently was spent and ready to check out her goods! She loved it so much she cried when we left and did not want us to take off her costume! We also had a few house showings this weekend, which meant lots of park time since we have to be out of the house! Today, we actually had a showing that requested to come back the same day so she had two park trips. She could barely keep her head up at dinner she was so tired!!

Here are some pictures and videos to enjoy :)

WAIT, What did you say, I won't be the baby anymore!!! 
stopped to smell the flowers 

Halloween March!
Cutest little cat waiting for the march to begin (couldn't get her to look for a picture, to busy watching all the other kids)

Watch out, Madelyn is behind the wheel lol!

This girl could go down the slide all day!

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Here is a video Derek got of her saying lot of words, topless lol (right after a messy dinner and the shirt had to go)  :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

woohoo Best post so far!!! So excited for you guys!! Maddie won't know what hit her! hahaha she is just to stinkin cute and very smart!!! Can't wait for Christmas! Love you!