Sunday, January 13, 2013

Happy New Year!

This is our first post of 2013! Derek and I were talking about how this time last year we found out we were having a little baby girl! Can't believe how fast time has gone and imagine our life without that little baby girL!

The past few weeks have been very crazy. Due to a very sad tragedy in our sitter's family we haven't had a sitter for the past two weeks. To top it off Derek is out of town for 5 days at a conference! Therefore, we have been very stressed trying figure out what to do with Madelyn each day. We truly realize at a time like this what amazing friends and family we have! So many people eagerly jumped without hesitation to watch her at different times to help us through this stressful time! We are so appreciative of all of you and can't tell you how much this means to us!!

Last week we had Madelyn's 6 month check-up. Dr. Lake was SO impressed with where she is developmentally. She was above the 9 month chart with all the things she could do. She has become a very busy body and though she can't crawl you can tell she wants to so she can move all over the place. For now she rolls  or cries for you to get her from place to place. Another big milestone this week is she cut her FIRST TOOTH!!!!! We thought it was coming from the amount of drool, chewing and waking up in the middle of the night (which isn't like her) and Wednesday morning while with Derek it finally popped through! The poor girl cut her first tooth, got her 6 month and flu shots this week! Rough week on the girl! Of course no surprise even with all of this and change in her routine she continues to be the happiest little baby!

As for food, she has tried all the first foods and we are onto the second combo foods. She also tried puffs for the first time this week. We are working with her learning to grab them and put in her mouth. Right now she is isn't so sure about them.

Please Bo can I pet you???

Went to the Y childcare and was finally big enough to ride the buggy ride past Daddy's office!!

And we buy toys why??

Love giving kisses!


Anonymous said...

She is such a happy baby!!


Anonymous said...

aww look how much hair she has now!!She is just too cute!!! I hope everything works out for you guys! Really wish I could help out! Take care! Love you all!!!
